2017 Imagine Enough for Everyone MLK Day event

Thanks to everyone who came to the Imagine Enough for Everyone event at the Urbandale Library this year! The icy/iffy weather made attendance a struggle. But thanks to 50 hardy citizens, the Library’s Food for Fines program that lasted until the Library closed, and Urbandale city department collections, we were able to take in a decent amount of items for the Urbandale Food Pantry! The final totals from the day are: 459 personal care items, 104 (mostly) handmade warm items, 365 food items, and $405 in monetary donations.

We were only able to list 15 ways to support our neighbors in need (instead of the 100 we were hoping for), but I will post the ideas we received and add to them over time.

Thank you to the volunteers who braved the weather to help make this event a success. Matt, Mary Jo, Barb, Diane, Jack, LuAnn, and Jordan—we couldn’t make the event work without you!

And as always, a big thank you to the Urbandale Public Library, especially Janine and Lynnae, for opening their meeting rooms for our event, helping with logistics as needed, inspiring Urbandale city department collections, and providing welcome hospitality. We love the Urbandale Public Library!