Thank you for helping the Urbandale Food Pantry serve our community!
On January 16, 2012, the generous people of our community donated approximately 1678 items, including over 243 scarves/hats/mittens/etc., 527 personal care items, and 908 food items for the Urbandale Food Pantry to distribute. They also colored 30 cards of hope to be given to Pantry recipients. Financial contributions for the Pantry totaled $640. Also donated were 5 coats and sweatshirts that were given to the Urbandale Clothes Closet. These totals include a large number of food items collected after 2pm when the Library continued its Food for Fines program until it closed for the day.
From 9am to 2pm, more than 120 volunteers donated items. Over 20 volunteers knitted scarves and hats on site, and 9 volunteers helped at the front table, and counted, packed, and delivered items to the Urbandale Food Pantry and the Urbandale Clothes Closet after the event.
Thank you for supporting our community and making the Martin Luther King National Day of Service a day ON, not a day off! Start collecting and knitting for next January!
*** Special thanks to the Urbandale Public Library for providing space for this event every year and for its “Food for Fines” program that collects additional items for the Urbandale Food Pantry after this event ends for the day. ***